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18 settembre 2009: giorno dei prigionieri di coscienza eritrei

Tutte le carceri del dittatore Isaias Afwerki

18 settembre 2009

Aderser (in  Sawa): military punishment(harsh punishment probably torturing)- and  training camp with underground cells.Adi Abeto (near Asmara): Major Prison for Asmara, with shipping containersserving as punishment cell.
Adi Keih (Asmara): detention Centre i.e. for national service dodgers.Adi Nefas (in/near Assab): military detention centre.Adi Qala (around  40 km north of the  Ethiopian boarder between Asmara and Medefera): Military detention.
Agip (Asmara): detention centre i.e. for journalists.Alla (near Dekemhare): Prison cells in shipping containers.
Assab (in the Port of  Assab): Military detention.Baharia (Massawa): Marine(navy) base.Barentu (Barentu): General Prison.Dahlak Kebir (Dahlak Islands): detention centre i.e. political prisoners including deportees from countries such as  Egypt, Libya and Malta.Duarwa (South of  Asmara between Adi Quala and Adi Ugri): General Prison·Eiraeiro (Filfil-Selomuna between Asmara and Massawa): detention centre for  political prisoners Galaalo (desert area near the Red Sea coast): military forced labour camp Gedem (circa 40 km south of  Massawa): forced labour camp to build the marine base.Ghatelay (between Asmara and Massawa): forced military labour camp (Note: the name can be pronounced as Ghahtelay).Haddis Ma’askar (in  Sawa along the boarded with  Sudan): military prisons with underground cells.
·Halhale (in Asmara): detention centre i.e. for those who illegally tried to cross the borders. Kambo Ndafurstale (Sanafe): Military Prison  Klima (near Assab): General Prison.Mai Daga (near Dekemhare): Military prisons  with shipping containers used for punishment Mai Duma (South of  Asmara): Military Camp.Mai Srwa (near Asmara): with underground cells and shipping containers i.e. used to punish political-prisoners and national service dodgers.Mai Temenei (Asmara): military prison with underground cells.Metkelabet (between Asmara and Massawa): military prison.
Me’eter (between Nakfa and the coast): military prisons Sembel (Asmara): detention centre for i.e. political prisoners and religious-stream followers.Tehadasso: military prisons with shipping containers used as punishment cell.Tessenei (Tessenei): military prison / rehabilitation centre. Tract B (Asmara): military prison.Tsererat (Asmara): military prison with underground cells primarily for EPLF-veterans.Wengel Mermera (Asmara): interrogation centre for i.e. political prisoners and  Muslims.Wi’a (south of  Massawa to the Red Sea Coast): military punishment and  training camp for i.e. national service dodgers / deserters and religious minorities.

I giovani eritrei fuggono dall’inferno e i loro genitori vengono arrestati . Le prigioni Eritree sono colme di dissidenti, religiosi, studenti, giornalisti. Migliaia di persone languono in carcere da anni, in completo isolamento, senza mai aver avuto un processo. La loro colpa è di aver espresso opinioni o denunciato i crimini commessi dal governo dittatoriale Eritreo. Alcuni hanno già perso la vita.


Associazione per la tutela dei Diritti Umani del Popolo Eritreo
phone (Italy): 0039-3343843669 (Germany): 0049-1761600287

Note: Per saperne di più:
170 HRW, Service for Life: State Repression and Indefinite Conscription in Eritrea (16 April2009) en UK Border Agency, Country of Origin Information Report Eritrea (21 April 2009).Algemeen Ambtsbericht Eritrea / July 2009
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