
Palestina: arresti e perquisizioni per i pacifisti dell'ISM

ISM: appello per raccolta materiali

by IMC italy Saturday May 10, 2003 at 05:41 PM

Dopo l'entrata dell'esercito israeliano negli uffici dell'ISM a Betlemme e la distruzione di tutte le attrezzature, l'ISM lancia un appello per la raccolta di materiale.

Dear Members,
At 12:30 May 9th,PCR and ISM offices in Beit Sahour were invaded by dozens of Israeli army, police, and border police. three women were arrested. one released later in the day. all the computers ( 6 desktops
and 3 labtops) and all ISM and PCR files were expropriated.

This raid is another step in the Israeli attempts to silence peace activists and force them to leave the country.

Both PCR and ISM offices are turned into non-functional.

In addition to urging all of you to raise your voice loudly against the continued attack against peace and human rights activists, we have the follwoing specific requests:

1-we are in urgent need for Computers to resume our work. we in particular appeal for Palestinian and Israeli organizations to immediatly donate or lend us computers to help us resume our work.

2-we are in urgent need for legal help. we are looking for lawyers both localy and internationally to help us fight against the series of illegal procedures that peace activists are facing.

3-to face the declared policy of transfere of international peace activists, we urge for Jewish peace activists from all over the world to consider joining ISM in Palestine as soon as possible.

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