In Italy, the ILVA plant in Taranto emits a significant amount of benzene
New ordinance on Acciaierie d'Italia, formerly known as Ilva, issued by the mayor of Taranto, Rinaldo Melucci. It was issued today and concerns benzene pollution. Acciaierie d'Italia, the operator of the steelworks, and Ilva, which is under extraordinary administration and owns the plants, "each according to their competencies and responsibilities, have 30 days to identify the plants responsible for the increase in benzene concentration recorded by the atmospheric monitoring stations," states the mayor of Taranto. Following a similar measure taken in February 2020, the mayor has also instructed the two companies - Acciaierie d'Italia, a public-private partnership, and Ilva, entirely publicly owned - "to identify a timely solution to the problem. Without it, within 60 days of the ordinance, the shutdown of the hot area plants will be necessary." "We have received clear evidence from the Local Health Authority regarding the risk to the population," declares the mayor of Taranto, "particularly regarding the harm caused by the increase in the annual average concentration of benzene, even if it is below legal limits. An additional report from the Regional Environmental Protection Agency (ARPA) has allowed us to correlate the peaks recorded with the steel mill's activity, which is why the ordinance is targeted at Acciaierie d'Italia and Ilva." "We have implemented the precaution required by the regulations concerning an issue that had already been raised and addressed within the observatory established in accordance with Article 41 of the Constitution, which we set up in January," concludes the mayor of Taranto. "The new findings have enabled us to take action, and now we await the necessary responses."
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