PeaceLink English

Speech at the commemoration at the University of Florence where he was a Physics Professor

Our tribute to Angelo Baracca

His commitment to peace and his opposition to both military and civilian nuclear power led him to be active in the movements for nuclear disarmament. He demonstrated that the value of science can and should be used for the benefit of humanity, not for its destruction.
24 October 2023

Dear friends,

today we gather to remember a man who was both a scholar in the field of physics and a fervent advocate for peace. Many of us at PeaceLink came to know Angelo Baracca in this latter role. In January 2022, when many of us were struggling to understand the events unfolding between Russia and Ukraine, we reached out to Alex Zanotelli, who pointed us to Angelo Baracca, saying: "Talk to Angelo; he knows his stuff". And so, we did, initiating a series of online meetings to comprehend the complexities of the situation. The Russian tanks had not yet crossed into Ukraine, and in Angelo, we found a guiding light – one of the "wise ones" we turned to for understanding in a reality so intricate and hard to decipher. Angelo was that person who helped you understand through dialogue and honesty, raising sincere doubts and honest questions. Angelo Baracca

In the past, some of us were influenced by readings that gathered Angelo's insights, urging us to view science as knowledge to be critically and historically understood. PeaceLink has been a network of critical knowledge, and Angelo was its driving force. Angelo was much more than a university professor; he was a promoter of the socialization of critical thinking. His critical thinking extended everywhere, starting from science and reaching into society, and vice versa. He believed deeply in the power of knowledge as a tool for social transformation, and he showed us the importance of combining this knowledge with political action to create a better world.

His commitment, moral integrity, and dedication to the cause of social justice were exemplary. Angelo Baracca embodied the values of the left. He was a committed marxist, but he did not settle for ideological abstractions; he preferred the concreteness of objective data. It seemed that his fundamental concern was not to be caught unprepared. Culture and science were fields of collective research for him, precisely to avoid being caught unprepared. Working collectively was his style, and the fact that so many are speaking about him today reflects his ability to connect and engage people in a project of change.

His political passion, his commitment to peace, and his opposition to both military and civilian nuclear power made him an active supporter of movements against nuclear weapons and disarmament. Angelo demonstrated that the value of science can and should be used for the benefit of humanity, not for its destruction.

But what made him even more special was his willingness to engage. Angelo was always ready to listen and converse with anyone; he treated everyone as equals, never emphasizing his status as a university professor. In fact, he was always quick to admit not knowing enough, loved to ask questions, and sought to know more. He was an honest man, far from the intrigues of power and opportunism that have unfortunately infected parts of the left. Angelo, on the other hand, was an example of consistency and integrity.

Today, as we remember him, we honor his legacy. Angelo Baracca taught us that knowledge and democratic debate can guide the social struggle for a fairer world. We are grateful for the time he dedicated to us and for the moments we spent with him. We will continue to carry forward his vision of peace, justice, and critical knowledge. Against every war, against every injustice, against every dogma.

Angelo Baracca will not be forgotten. His life and work will remain a source of inspiration for all of us. His spirit and memory are an incentive to continue the fight for a better world.

Thank you, Angelo, for all that you gave us.

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