
THE BODY LANGUAGE - VENICE INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2024 January 19 - February 02, 2024 Palazzo Albrizzi Capello, Venice

2 febbraio 2024
ore 00:00

ITSLIQUID Group, in collaboration with ACIT Venice - Italian-German Cultural Association, is pleased to announce the opening of THE BODY LANGUAGE, first appointment of the 19th edition of VENICE INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2024, exhibition of photography, painting, video art, installation/sculpture and performance art, which will take place in Venice, at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello from January 19 to February 02, 2024, during the period of the Venice Carnival. VENICE INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR provides artists and exhibitors with the unique opportunity to present their works to an international audience of professionals such as curators, gallerists, collectors, editors, and publishers who seek to acquire, publish and encourage the best contemporary art talents. THE BODY LANGUAGE analyzes the hidden parts of our identities, through an immersive experience inside the fascinating universe of the complex labyrinths of our consciousness. The human body is a changing system that connects us with other bodies and spaces to perceive the surrounding reality; a strong communication system with its language and infinite ways of expression. Larisa Usmanova, a visual storyteller from Bulgaria, captures the essence of human experience through her photographic compositions. Drawing inspiration from the diverse landscapes of her life's journey, she freezes moments that transcend time, transforming the human form into a conduit for emotional and geographical narratives and inviting viewers to contemplate the profound beauty in each fleeting moment, frozen in perpetual beauty. Her photographic compositions are not mere snapshots but windows into a world where time stands still, showcasing the resilience of the human spirit and the beauty that can emerge from life's most challenging moments. THE BODY LANGUAGE shifts the focus to the human body, which becomes a powerful medium of communication, a conduit through which personal narratives are expressed. By merging human bodies with unexpected elements, Francisco Ayala will invite viewers to contemplate the intricate relationships between the human experience and the surrounding world. This artistic evolution reflects a constant dialogue between form and content, mirroring his distinctive perspective: by employing techniques such as analog and digital collage, he weaves together diverse elements and each piece becomes a nuanced expression, emerging as a thought-provoking visual narrative. During the event, the performer Yulia Sharkina will present a video selection of her works, delving into the intricacies of human emotions and infusing life into the very fabric of feelings through her captivating expressions. Rejecting the confines of the conventional, Yulia embraces nude performance as a profound means of dismantling societal illusions. Through vulnerability, she will invite the audience to connect emotionally, fostering a dialogue on a shared human experience: her body, indeed, serves as both an instrument and messenger, challenging the transient nature of fashion and encouraging a deeper connection with one's true self, embracing vulnerability and celebrating imperfections. Przemysław Gawłowski and Piotr Kern, innovative artists hailing from Poland, will bring a dynamic fusion of photography, design, and body painting to the enchanting walls of Palazzo Albrizzi Capello, which with its Renaissance-typical features enhances the immersive experience, allowing viewers to engage with their thought-provoking visual narratives during the magical period of the Carnival of Venice. In this captivating setting, Gawłowski and Kern will invite audiences to explore the interplay between the human form, artistic expression, and the timeless allure of Venice's cultural heritage. Gawłowski and Kern collaborate to present "Vivid Images", an exhibition featuring seven of their finest works: these large-format bodypainting installations stand out for their meticulously hand-painted screens, providing a unique backdrop to the entire composition. The synergy between their photography and body painting creates a vivid and captivating visual experience, inviting audiences to explore the boundaries of contemporary art. In a captivating convergence of artistic expressions, Karolina Laner's works intersect with the immersive exploration of identities: the artist focuses on the exploration of the labyrinth of human emotions and inner conflicts, through her brushstrokes which depict the journey of emotions, where mental torness births a kaleidoscope of human fragments. Laner will beckon viewers to embrace their inner chaos, inviting contemplation of the intricate mosaic of emotions and the beauty in revealing the fragmented, authentic self. Moreover, the exhibition will be enriched by the inclusion of a selection of video artworks, elevating the immersive experience within the Palazzo Albrizzi Capello (see https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zLt9n9HqyXdXpyHEtDr2AjUfBfB5saQQ/view?usp=sharing ). OPENING January 19, 2024 | 06:00 PM Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello Associazione Culturale Italo-Tedesca (ACIT), Cannaregio 4118, Venice Opening hours | Monday - Friday . 09.30 AM - 05.30 PM RSVP info@itsliquid.com | +39.3387574098 Click here to register for the event (free entry) supported by CRILLYS SWEETS LTD | QUINTO ORDEN SELECTED ARTISTS AKJC Duo . Canada/Japan | Pinelopi Akritidou . Greece | Joss Alejandro . Mexico | Alla Luna di Cristiana Bertolazzi . Italy | Hiroshi Atobe . Japan | Israel Francisco Ayala . Ecuador | Cornelia B. Bienz . Switzerland | Erica Bordignon . Italy | Mariana Branco . Brazil | Claudia Büchner-Thron . Germany | Ketsia Camacho Ramos . Puerto Rico | Teresa Cannone . Italy | Beata Cedrzyńska . Poland | Paiyi Sally Chang . Taiwan | Johanne Chagnon . Canada | Wei-Cheng Chen . Taiwan | Jay Chung . USA | Beki Cowey . UK | Barbara Crimella . Italy | Athene Currie . Australia | Diego Del Nilo . Germany | Cecile Dinge . France | Lord Nicolaus Dinter . Germany | Cliodhna Doherty . Ireland | Lehner Eveline . Austria | Rosita Fernandes . Portugal | GA . Switzerland | Magdolna Gaál . Hungary | Tal Garmiza . Israel | Luise Gandon . Austria | Przemysław Gawłowski & Piotr Kern . Poland | Paul Grégoire . Canada | Souad Haddad . Lebanon | Vera Halasz . Hungary | Julie Hammonds . UK | Kate Hilliard . Canada | Vaida Kačergienė . Lithuania | Dora Keleti . Hungary | Karolina Laner . Italy | Paola Lazzareschi . Brazil | Maeva Lhopez . France | Mr Jon . USA | Yi Li . Cina | Niko Luccianni . Greece | Marcus Luconi . Brazil | Paul Scott Malone . USA | Mary Ann Manuel . Canada | Ovidiu Mara . Switzerland | Michael McWillie . USA | MOUMU 矛木 . Taiwan | Ekaterina Myllykoski . Finland | Eka Natenadze . Georgia/Germany | Patricia Niedermeier . Brazil | Maria Papanikolaou . Greece | Pauline Phoon . Republic of Singapore | Jana Portenier . Switzerland | Patrick Reßin . Germany | Diana-Roxana Rîmbu . Romania | Federico Rizzo . Italy | Saruye S. . Canada | Anja Sekavčnik Klešnik . Slovenia | Marita Setas Ferro . Portugal | Julia Sharkina . Russia | Katerina Spyropoulou . Greece | Standa . Canada | Massimo Stefanutti . Italy | Maria Tabet . Lebanon | Hans Thierstein . Switzerland | Erika Thomas . France | Larisa Usmanova . Bulgaria | Mojgan Vahdati-Nia . USA | Luciano Volpato . Italy | Susanne Walser . Austria | Valentyn Yatsenko . Ukraine | Sofya Zhura . Russia

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