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The hypocrisy of war

The double game of the Ukrainian government on "cluster bombs"

While on one hand, the Ukrainian government showed apparent sensitivity to the issue and promised Human Rights Watch to investigate the possible use of cluster bombs by its own troops, on the other hand, it requested from Biden to have them in large quantities.
9 July 2023

"The Ukrainian government should act on its expressed commitment not to use banned antipersonnel landmines," wrote Human Rights Watch on June 30, 2023. Cluster bombs

To summarize, about ten days ago, the humanitarian organization was trying to test the good faith of the Ukrainian government, which had pledged not to use cluster bombs and to investigate any "unauthorized" use of these indiscriminate weapons. However, it has now been revealed that it was all a hypocritical charade, as the Ukrainian government was simultaneously negotiating with US President Joe Biden to obtain cluster bombs, and in large quantities.

On June 30, Human Rights Watch reported on the Ukrainian government's statement at a meeting on June 21, 2023, in which they committed not to use cluster bombs. Human Rights Watch lamented that Kyiv's response came "nearly five months after Ukrainian officials said they would examine reports by Human Rights Watch and other groups that Ukraine's forces used these weapons in operations to retake territory occupied by Russian forces."

"Since publishing a report in January, Human Rights Watch has uncovered additional evidence regarding Ukrainian use of these indiscriminate weapons during 2022," the humanitarian organization stated on its website. Just ten days ago, they praised the Ukrainian government's commitment. "The Ukrainian government's pledge to investigate its military's apparent use of banned antipersonnel mines is an important recognition of its duty to protect civilians," said Steve Goose, arms director at Human Rights Watch. "A prompt, transparent, and thorough inquiry could have far-reaching benefits for Ukrainians both now and for future generations," he continued.

All of this was ten days ago.

Today, the Ukrainian government sheds the facade of being a benevolent government sensitive to the appeals of Human Rights Watch, and reveals its true colors. Mykhailo Podolyak, the chief advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, declares, "Cluster munitions are extremely important for Ukraine. They somewhat compensate for our ammunition deficit and partially restore parity on the battlefield."

"Kiev used cluster rockets in eastern Ukraine as early as 2014 and 2015. The New York Times reports that Ukrainian forces used Uragan cluster bombs in an attack on Husarivka, a territory controlled by Russia in the Kharkivska region, in March 2022," Repubblica reports today.

The hypocrisy of war has now reached its peak, and everything that the Ukrainian government promised, committing not to use cluster bombs in front of Human Rights Watch, becomes pure deception.

It seems like we are witnessing yet another, even worse deception - that of Putin, who, on February 24, 2022, ordered the invasion of Ukraine after letting his spokespeople claim that he would never do so.

This is the hypocrisy of war. The terrible hypocrisy that leads to lying, lying, and lying shamelessly.

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