
Giornata di preghiera e digiuno per la pace in Medio Oriente

22 dicembre 2004

Su suggerimento della Conferenza episcopale regionale del Nord africa (CERNA) e della Conferenza dei vescovi latini delle regioni arabe CELRA) di cui è presidente il Patriarca latino di Gerusalemme S.B. mons. Michel Sabbah (presidente anche di Pax Christi International), Pax Christi International invita le proprie sezioni nazionali ad organizzare momenti di preghiera e digiuno per la pace in Medio Oriente.

December 22nd, 2004: Day for Fasting and Prayer Middle East
In a message addressed to all bishops’ conferences, the Regional Episcopal Conference of North Africa (CERNA) and the Conference of the Latin Bishops of the Arab Regions (CELRA) are calling for an international day of fasting and prayer for peace in the Holy Land. The suggested day is Wednesday December 22nd, 2004. The message came out of a meeting which took place in Rome from October 11th to 16th 2004. The two conferences are inviting all communities to be united on this initiative and to support it in any other way. Pax Christi International is calling its members worldwide to organise moments of prayers and fasting on that day. H.B. Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, is the President of Pax Christi International and President of CELRA. More info: http://www.lpj.org.

Per maggiori informazioni:
Pax Christi International
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