Peace in Palestine now
Put an immediate end to this unprecedented ongoing massacre. We call for the prompt intervention of the international community and the UN for an immediate 'ceasefire' and to facilitate a definitive and shared solution to the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians. What is happening, on the part of Hamas and the extreme right-wing Israeli government, is a blatant violation of all international treaties and conventions for the protection of civilian populations from wars and any form of occupation. Our condemnation of all forms of violence, aggression, and retaliation against the civilian population, whether Palestinian or Israeli, is absolute. After the criminal massacre of unarmed civilians, Hamas must immediately release the hostages and cease hostilities, which, furthermore, undermine the historic and just struggle of the Palestinian people for the recognition of their own autonomous state. The government of Israel, with its retaliation, has already caused 3,000 deaths, especially among women and children, and jeopardizes the very existence of the entire population of the Gaza Strip, which is already in a state of high poverty, by preventing its supply of food, water, and electricity and with a total absence of escape routes, and finally, the unprecedented massacre resulting from the bombardment of Gaza. Only by rejecting war and violence can we all commit to building justice, respect for the right to self-determination of peoples, coexistence, and a just and lasting peace. We appeal to the United Nations Security Council to assume its responsibility as the guardian of international law by calling on the parties to an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages and prisoners, and respect for humanitarian law to prevent further bloodshed, with a commitment to convene a peace conference urgently to finally resolve the Palestinian issue by applying the 'two states for two peoples' formula, a condition that would end the Israeli occupation and the legitimate Palestinian resistance, thus re-establishing the conditions for the construction of peaceful and democratic societies.
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