
Venus In Fur: An Ode To Mosadi

6 settembre 2024
ore 09:01 (Durata: 1 ore)

Venus In Fur: An Ode To Mosadi September 06 - 12, 2024 Medina Art Gallery, Rome ITSLIQUID Group is pleased to announce the opening of Venus in Fur: An Ode to Mosadi, a solo exhibition of Studio Taki, curated by Luca Curci, that will open on September 06, at 06:00 PM at Medina Art Gallery in Rome. The exhibition will run until September 12, 2024. Venus in fur: An Ode to Mosadi is a 4-year-in-process body of work by Studio Taki, celebrating iconic African women who have profoundly influenced modern societies and advanced the cause of humanity, through vivid imagination, dreams, and prophecies, brought to life on canvas, 3D forms, and vast mediums, as a mix of pop art and design. Marvel Comics and DC Comics inspired the series, along with Japanese anime and manga, superhero and Disney princesses. These iconic African women are interpreted through Western and Eastern pop imagery, fusing two worlds. The real-life superheroes have excelled beyond ordinary limits, representing brilliance in their respective fields, industries, and disciplines. From science and technology to sports, humanitarian efforts, activism, politics, arts, culture, and literature, these women have invented, innovated, and shaped values that resonate in esteemed halls and libraries worldwide: their knowledge and achievements are echoed in institutions of great merit, offering a glimpse into our true essence through their stories. Among the personalities who changed Africa, we find Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the first female president in Africa, who is transformed into Wonder Woman in the works of Studio Taki. Graca Machel, a Mozambican politician and advocate who is renowned for producing the UNICEF report on the impact of armed conflict on children, is known as the “Machel Report”, published in 1996. Brenda Fassie, South Africa's "Queen of African Pop," becomes Snow White in Studio Taki's portrayal. All these women stand as towering figures, having built institutions that lead the world and show compassion that has healed many, emerging victorious in overwhelming battles, gracing global stages with their talents, and enriching our lives with their wisdom and prayers. Their hearts educate, and their presence has been blessed. organized by ITSLIQUID Group curator Luca Curci exhibition coordinator Amaride Ferrante OPENING September 06, 2024 | 06:00 PM Medina Art Gallery | Rome, Italy Via Merulana 220 Opening hours | Monday - Sunday . 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM and 03:00 PM - 07:00 PM RSVP Click here to register for the event (free entry) Studio Taki - About Studio Taki is a multi-disciplinary pop art, design, and smart system development creative company, based in Pretoria, South Africa. A collective, a community of artists, artisans, architects, crafters, creatives, creators, designers, developers, doers, directors, innovators, illustrators, thinkers, writers, movers, and shakers. Under the vision and leadership of founder and Creative Director Mr Goodwill Mokoka, the community was formed through a common cause to create impactful groundbreaking work, a cause to build a creative group that will uplift South Africa’s communities, through their talents. To create innovative international work, to make art and design that is socially impactful, and uplifting. Using art and design as a tool to make social change and smash false narratives. Rooted in humanity and the values of Ubuntu: a word that captures Mandela's greatest gift, his recognition that we are all bound together in ways that are invisible to the eye. An organization that found purpose through the passion and love for art. Led through focus, determination, sustainability, conservation, and innovation they are creative excellence in a variety of disciplines, from art toys and niche sculptures to traditional mixed media and paintings to new media and embracing the strides technology has made, to develop creative based smart systems and solutions for corporate institutions.

Per maggiori informazioni:
Valentyn Yatsenko
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